メーカー/原産地 | 国内 | 商品の状態 | 新品 |
発送国 | 国内 (日本) | ||
材料/素材 | He made his first cut in a professional major championship in the 1958 U.S. Open, at age eighteen. Forty years later, he had his most recent top-10 finish in a major at the Masters. In between, he won eighteen professional majors, a hundred tournaments worldwide, and provided countless thrills along the road to being named “Golfer of the Century” by his peers and by publications from America to Antarctica.In his unprecedented run at the top of the game, Jack Nicklaus has seen the importance of constant learning and constant refinement. Your game at age sixty cannot be the same as your game at age twenty; where you were once able to overpower the golf course, with time and wisdom you discover new ways to approach the challenges of the game that depend less on physical ability and more on mental agility. Along the way, you learn which fundamentals will always put you in good stead, and you see what advice has stood the test of time.In My Golden Lessons, the greatest golfer of them all takes the best from his many years of playing, practicing, and studying the game, and distills it into over 120 pieces of priceless instruction. Drawn from his immensely popular columns in Golf Digest and Golf Magazine, the topics cover the full spectrum of the game, from choosing the right equipment, on through the fundamentals of stance, grip, and setup, to the pursuit of power and the subtleties of the short game and putting. These techniques helped Nicklaus set the marks that future generations will strive to match, but it was his mastery of the mental side of golf that truly set him apart from his peers and his predecessors -- and he shares his advice on the mind game as well. In addition, the book presents a beautifully drawn sequence of the Nicklaus swing at its peak, alongside advice tailored to the needs of the better players who want to be better still.My Golden Lessons is a book that took a lifetime to prepare, but one that will improve your game from the first few minutes it spends in your hands. These are the techniques that made Jack Nicklaus the golfer he is, and his clear, bite-sized pointers will show you the path to hitting better shots, shooting lower scores, and enjoying the game more every time you play. | ||
決済方法 | VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, JCB card, PayPal, LINE Pay, PayPay, コンビニ決済, Suica決済, あと払い(ペイディ), 銀行振り込み, ネットバンキング, Qサイフ | ||
A/S情報 | A/Sセンターおよびメーカーまたは販売者にご連絡ください。 | ||
返品/交換 | 商品ページ上の詳細やお知らせ・ご注意を参考してください。 |
My Golden Lessons: 100-Plus Ways to Improve Your Shots, Lower Your Scores and Enjoy Golf Much, Much More
My Golden Lessons : 100-Plus Ways to Improve Your Shots, Lower Your Scores and Enjoy Golf Much, Much More
My Golden Lessons: 100-Plus Ways to, Nicklaus, Jack
My Golden Lessons: 100-Plus Ways to Improve Your Shots, Lower Your
The Baseball 100 by Joe Posnanski | Goodreads
The 100 best books of the 21st century | Books | The Guardian
My Golden Lessons: 100-Plus Ways to Improve Your Shots, Lower Your
4.8 -
- つけ心地
- 発色の良さ
- 盛れ感
- つけ心地
- 満足です
- イマイチ
- 発色の良さ
- 満足です
- イマイチ
- 盛れ感
- 満足です
- イマイチ
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5.0 5ぴすけ37 2024-09-15T06:54:54
5.0 5i-chako 2024-09-14T00:48:48
誕生日プレゼントしました。すっごく喜んでくれて、1話ずつ楽しみながら観たそうです。両親も喜んでくれて、楽しかったと言ってました。 私は観ていませんが、甥っ子が喜んでくれたから良かったです。
4.7 5hifuchi 2024-09-16T19:07:07
壊れたので交換。 以前より大きめにしました。 やや小屋が狭くなってしまいました。
5.0 5まま姉3103 2024-09-15T13:49:49
沖縄に来週仕事で2週ほど滞在します。 お土産をもって帰るのが面倒なので、事前通販で購入させていただきました。 さまざまなな種類のものを購入しなおかつ怖くで配れるものと言うことでこちらの商品にお世話になりました。このようなバラまとめ売り助かります。ありがとうございました。
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死着もなく、みんな元気でした! とても良い買い物したと思います。
4.9 5エミんち 2024-09-16T09:21:21
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4.11 5こう31255 2024-09-16T11:59:59
おいしいです ★。、::。.::・\'゜☆。.::・\'゜★。、::。.::・\'゜
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5.0 5やよぴょん8413 2024-09-14T23:47:47
4.11 5なべさん3300 2024-09-16T17:05:05
父の一周忌の法用が近くなったため注文しました。 先日購入を依頼しましたが2日ほどで到着しました。 ありがとうございました。
5.0 5はな29967109 2024-09-15T10:46:46
音が静かです。軽く当てただけでスッと毛が切れるのでとても使いやすいです。値段もお手頃で 良い買い物でした。
5.0 5早朝名人 2024-09-14T20:44:44
ハイビスカスを越冬させるために、室内にビニール製の温室を購入しましたが、 やはり夜間は室温が低下してしまうため、こちらを購入しました。 サーモスタット付きなのも安心です。
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